Projects Funded


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Responding to the cries of a hungry and hurting world, hundreds of heroic missionaries in impoverished countries turn to us for a helping hand. In their efforts to liberate destitute people from the effects of abject poverty, those devoted apostles of Christ bring to our attention a wide variety of relief and development projects. We in turn invite compassionate hearts to become that 'helping hand'. The chain of human solidarity, which starts with caring donors, is continued undiminished by The Call of the Poor.

Since its inception in 1982, every cent received from donors has been used exclusively for the well-being of the poor. In 2023, we were able to disburse $510,000.00 to fund 79 projects in 22 Third World countries. As for our expenses (stationery, postage, etc.), these were absorbed by a special fund created for that purpose.

Through the compassion of our precious supporters, to whom we are most grateful, we have been able to alleviate the suffering of the poor and bring a ray of hope into their lives... by funding 7,138 projects between 1982 and the end of 2023.

Below are a few examples of projects which were funded in recent years:

  • Establishment of 2 cooperatives for the production of honey to provide an opportunity for the poor in Tchindigue, Togo, to become self-sufficient.  ($7,000.00) 

  • Acquisition of a corn sheller to benefit families belonging to a cooperative for milling corn into flour/cornmeal in Faglidong, Malita, Philippines.  ($2,000.00)

  • Health care, medicine and supplementary nutrition provided to the neglected poor and elderly in Cochabamba, Bolivia.  ($10,000.00)

  • Purchase of an egg incubator for a chicken-raising operation to benefit an orphanage in Sangmelima, Cameroon.  ($2,000.00)

  • Provision of books, school supplies, school uniforms and tuition fees for children from very poor families in Ebibeyin, Equatorial Guinea.  ($3,000.00)

  • Establishment of a small chicken-raising enterprise as a source of both food and income for women in Kankapele, Burkina Faso.  ($1,800.00)

  • Potato planting project to provide food and a source of income for orphans and the elderly in Mazenod, Lesotho. ($5,000.00)

  • Purchase of entry-level smart phones to enable 120 orphans and children from single-parent families in Telangana, India, to continue their studies via online classes during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown.  ($10,000.00)

  • Drilling of a community water well and installation of a water storage tank for the benefit of the poor in Gampela, Burkina Faso. ($5,000.00)

  • Food, clothing and medicine for hearing impaired and physically challenged children who reside at a rehabilitation centre in Vitamrajpali, India.  ($5,000.00)

  • Food for victims of leprosy and the physically disadvantaged in the region of Dedougou, Burkina Faso.  ($4,300.00)

  • General care of women and children (victims of violence and sexual abuse) at the Betania Refuge Home in San Francisco Solano-Quilmes, Argentina.  ($8,000.00)

  • Support of a dispensary that provides medications, laboratory tests and X-rays for the sick in Mocachi, Peru.  ($2,000.00)

  • Food supplements and health care for the poor in Maseru, Lesotho.  ($3,000.00)

  • Provision of agricultural and woodworking supplies to help adolescents in Djuma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, become self-sufficient.  ($5,500.00)

Please click here for the complete list of projects funded in 2023.

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The Call of the Poor
P.O. Box 117
St. Norbert, Manitoba
R3V 1L5
(204) 275-1432